Every trainee needs to present evidence to a panel of deanery educationalists and a lay person via their e portfolio, that they are learning the skills needed to become a GP. This is done by collecting evidence throughout the year by a mixture of formal assessments such as case based discussions, multi-source feedback and naturally occurring evidence collected via the learning log. You will meet with your educational supervisor every 6 months and they will review your evidence and will make a recommendation regarding your progress to the panel.
This applies to every specialist GP trainee throughout their training. Trainees must put themselves forward to the panel 2-3/12 before completing any 12 month block. If you are going to be on prolonged leave for what ever reason you need to complete a form before going on leave indicating the reason for your absence and the panel will then indicate this on the ARCP form. Please note it is the trainees responsibility to contact their area director to request a review of their progress.
You must have demonstrated satisfactory progress during the year before you may progress from ST1->2 or ST2->3. You will not be issued with a certificate of completion of training until you have satisfied the panel at the end of your ST3 year. Speciality training for General Practice, is governed by the Gold Guide. Each trainee will be governed by the regulations that were in force when their training began.
There is plenty of help throughout your training. Make sure you attend the deanery introductory day your local vocational training scheme and your educational supervisors will help you through the process There are also plenty of guides to help you including Frequently asked Questions section in the ePortfolio or alternatively the Friendly Guide to E-portfolio & ARCP .
The process of appeals and reviews are governed by the gold guide. If a trainee disagrees with the outcome they have the right to request a review in the case of an outcome 2 or, where an outcome 3 or 4 has been given, an appeal.
A review is undertaken by the original panel who came to that decision taking into account representations of the person asking for review and any relevant information and may take into account freshly submitted evidence. Requests for a review must be made in writing the Postgraduate Dean within ten working days of being notified of the panel’s decision.
After the review, the panel must ensure the trainee receives its decision with reasons in writing which should take place within fifteen working days ( where possible) of receipt of such a request from a trainee. Trainees may provide additional evidence at this stage.
Trainees will have the right of appeal if they receive an outcome which results in a recommendation for:
Where the Appeal review decision is upheld and the trainee wishes to proceed to a full hearing, it must be considered by different panel who were not involved in the original decision. This may take into account, representations of the person asking for the appeal and any relevant information and may take into account freshly submitted evidence.
Appeals should be made in writing to the Postgraduate Dean within ten working days of the trainee being notified of the panel’s decision.