Matching to Foundation Programmes
Once you have been matched to a Unit of Application (UoA) via the national recruitment process which happens automatically via Oriel (the online application system), you will receive an email informing you of the outcome. You will then be asked to preference all programmes within the UoA and allocations to rotations will subsequently be made in a cascading order.
HEE Foundation Roles and Responsibilities
To view this document, please click here
Induction and Pre-employment Shadowing
All F1 doctors are required to complete an online generic e-Induction programme prior to commencing their actual F1 rotation. For 2018 recruitment, all trainees are required to attend pre-employment shadowing from Wednesday 25 July 2018, which will include time for induction at the Trust in addition to time scheduled to shadow the F1 job allocated.
Induction Pack
Please see Welcome to the West Midlands Induction pack here, it should not replace local, regional, and School induction processes.
FY2 Swaps Policy and Forms
The Midlands F2 swaps policy has been released and is avaliable here:
This policy covers both East Midlands and West Midlands Foundation Resident Doctors
Study Leave
This is only permitted during the F2 year and is not available during F1. Special arrangements can be made for F1 doctors who wish to arrange career “taster” sessions during the last eight months of their F1 year. Leave is available for F1 trainees to attend ALS training and also (Level 3) Simulation Training if they did not undertake this as part of their undergraduate programme. Simulation Training and Taster weeks are offered to all F2 trainees. Study Leave is administered in accordance with the HEE WM Foundation Study Leave Policy.
Annual Leave
F1 doctors are entitled to 27 days annual leave in the year. The 27 days' entitlement does not include the 8 statutory holidays. If a Foundation doctor works any part of a Bank Holiday they are entitled to an additional day's leave in lieu. In some specialties there is some restriction on when a Foundation doctor can take their leave during a 4 month rotation (e.g. not on their ‘hot week’ for surgery). The individual directorates will inform the Foundation doctor of any specific restrictions on when they can take leave. The Foundation doctor is required to book their leave at least 6 weeks in advance via the relevant HR Manager.
FY2 Outside the UK
NHS England - Midlands does not support or accredit doctors who wish to undertake their F2 year outside the UK.
Time Out of Foundation Programme (TOFP)
Foundation doctors contemplating requesting TOFP should check the relevant guidance in the Resource Bank section of the UKFPO website.
Inter Foundation School Transfer (IFST)
Foundation doctors contemplating requesting an IFST should check the relevant “Guidance for Applicants” in the Key Documents section of the UKFPO website. Applications must be approved and signed by the Foundation School Director.
Page Updated: 16 January 2020